Kelly Butte Lookout

Kelly Butte Lookout History.jpg

The first lookout at Kelly Butte was a 12'x12' cupola cabin build in 1926. In those days the lookout was supported from the Forest Service office in Lester (located on the railroad down in the Green River valley north of the lookout) and all food and goods were hauled up by mules up a 7 mile trail from that now-abandoned town.   

The original lookout was replaced by the current L-4 cabin in 1950.   A road was pushed in to the south side of the lookout in the 1950s, but access still required hiking up a very steep 2 mile trail from that side—including a section that required using a rope to pull oneself up.

The lookout was staffed by USFS personnel until the 1980s, then sat abandoned for 20 years, slowly decaying.  In 2008 a group of volunteers working with the Forest Fire Lookout Association and the USFS did a major restoration that was completed in 2011.  Kelly Butte was placed back in service by the MBSNF in 2012.  

Restoration included major improvements to the trail from the trailhead with major help from the Washington Trails Association , including a new trail that eliminated the need for using the rope!  

To reach Kelly Butte, take Forest Service road 70 to FS7030.  Follow FS7030 to the trailhead for Forest Service trail 1031 to the lookout.  The trail is 1.7 miles long, fairly rocky in places, and gains 1,000 feet of elevation. 

Kelly Butte is currently staffed from approximately late June to late September and visitors are welcome to visit the cabin 8 am to 5 pm when the lookout is staffed. 

Camping is not allowed at the lookout itself or on the deck outside, but the top of Kelly Butte has a number of unofficial camping areas.  There is also a wilderness toilet available near the lookout itself, but no potable water is available near the lookout.   

For directions to Kelly Butte and more information visit: USDA Kelly Butte Lookout