The Snoqualmie Fire Lookouts Association (SFLA) is dedicated to the support the restoration, maintenance, upkeep and preservation of Forest Fire Lookouts in the Snoqualmie Ranger District as operational and in-service fire lookouts.    

SFLA works in cooperation with the Snoqualmie Ranger District, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest, United States Forest Service 

SFLA is an affiliate of the Forest Fire Lookout Association, an organization dedicated to preserving Fire Lookouts across the U.S. and around the world.

Snoqualmie Fire Lookouts Association is an IRS 501c3 non-profit organization

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About the Snoqualmie Lookouts

Fire Lookout towers were once a common sight here in our Pacific Northwest.  At one time there were nearly 8,800 lookouts in the US.  In Washington, 656 lookouts were built.  

Today, only 2,500 lookouts are still standing in the U.S.  Just under 100 lookouts are still standing in Washington State and only 14 lookouts still standing in the Mt Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. (MBSNF)

In the Snoqualmie Ranger District, lookouts used to sit on top of many of our prominent peaks: Clear West Peak and Bearhead Mountain (NW of Mt. Rainier); Norse Peak (by Crystal Mountain); Noble Knob (above Lost Lake on the crest of the Dalles Ridge); Pyramid Peak (SE of Kelly Butte, on the PCT); Christoff Peak (NW of Suntop and West of Kelly Butte); Stampede Pass; Snowshoe Butte (west of the Cascades between Stampede Pass and Snoqualmie Pass); McClellan Butte (south of I-90); Nordrum (in the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie); and Bare Mountain (North Fork of the Snoqualmie); Lookouts also still stand nearby in Mt. Rainier National Park: Tolmie Peak (NW corner of MRNP); Fremont Peak (just above Sunrise); Shriner Peak (on the east side of the park); and Gobbler’s Knob (near the SW corner of MRNP).

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Currently only three lookouts remain standing in the Snoqualmie Ranger District:  Suntop Lookout (located just north of Mt. Rainier National Park and SE of Greenwater, WA); Kelly Butte (located NE of Greenwater, WA above the Green River); and Granite Mountain (located east of North Bend, near Snoqualmie Pass). 

What makes these three unique is that they are still used as active fire lookouts and staffed during the summer fire season (Granite Mountain is temporarily closed due to renovations).

Starting in 2020, the Snoqualmie Ranger District, USFS, has had an agreement with the Snoqualmie Fire Lookouts Association to allow the Association to help with maintenance, upkeep, major repairs, and assist with operations for these lookouts.